Setting up 30 gal tall?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 3, 2006
I'm just about ready to purchase a new 30 gallon tall tank. I was wondering if I'd have problems using a normal HOB filter with the tall tank since the filter tube doesn't go all the way to the bottom. Or am I just thinking too much. Thanks!
I have a 30gal tall and use a AquaClear 50 on it and it filters fine. Even if it doesnt reach, you can always buy an extension tube if you want. I may buy one for my AC since it goes only about half way down.
i think you want it about 6 inches from the bottom and no closer. my penguin 150 came with one extension. cant use it because i have it on a ten gal. you should be able to extend it like rich said
I bought a 30 Gallon tall, and a HOB Emperor 280......It came with an extension piece and the intake goes almost all the way to the bottom of the tank.
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