Setting up a South American tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 2, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada
Does anyone have any info on setting up a S.A. tank, I'm looking for info on:
-good substrate
-plants: real of fake?
-ph...peat or no peat?
-good tankmates (angels or discus?)
-neons will definitely be there

gotta be careful with angels and neons... neons are angels natural food... if you get a baby angel and let it grow up with the neons youll probably be alright but if you get a big angel you might be missing some neons very quickly
gotta be careful with angels and neons... neons are angels natural food... if you get a baby angel and let it grow up with the neons youll probably be alright but if you get a big angel you might be missing some neons very quickly

This is exactly what I am trying to do now. I got the smallest angels I could get, which are about one inch body length, minus fins. Hoping that the neons will be ok. :-?
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