Shaker style aquarium stand - work in progress **Finished**

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 15, 2003
Edmonton, Canada
I am building a new stand for a 70 gal tank. I have decided to build it in a shaker style (a modified copy of a "dry sink"). It is a basic frame & panel construction, with the beauty more in the simple lines rather than in ornametations.

Although a frame & panel cabinet built out of hardwood should be able to carry the weight of the tank, I am being caution & adding a subframe for strength. I've finished the subframe (after about 30 Hrs), and starting to join the outter frame/panels to that.

Everything is coming to a crashing halt because it SNOWED last night :( and it is too cold to work in the garage (besides, wood glue won't hold too well in sub-zero weather). So instead of working on the project, I am surfing AA instead.

I figure I will post some pics of my work in progress, in case someone building a stand need some ideas. Also, if someone spots any problems - let me know before I put several hundred lbs. of water on it!

So, the first pic is the completed subframe. This is built out of lumber dressed to 1.25" x 2.5" (actual dimensions). Joints are half lap or open mortiss, glued & screwed. The whole thing will be 32" H, 48" L, 20" deep.

I will post more pics once I get the outter frame/panels jointed.
Do you think taking the supports all the way to the floor in the middle would help support the weight in the middle of the structure better?
Looks good to me so far. I see you have a few nice pieces of woodworking equipment too :mrgreen: . I'll look forward to seeing the finished product.
you people and your "wood shops" YOU MAKE ME... well... jelous :wink: Looking forward to the updates!
Shaker aquarium stand. Hm. I hadnt realized that the shakers had aquariums. ;) Love to see it when its finished.
spongebob69 said:
Do you think taking the supports all the way to the floor in the middle would help support the weight in the middle of the structure better?

Yes, but that would ruin the lines of the finish product.

I tested the rails as is & each side can support over 200 lbs without problems - & it will be better yet when the outter frame is joint to it.

However, I like to over build things. Those cross braces on the bottom rails are actually cantilevered supports & will have hidden legs. With that, I figure the stand should be able to hold a couple thousand lbs.
Now that we have a bit of warmer weather, I can finally get back to working on the stand. 20 or so hours of work later, I finished laminating the outter frame to the subframe.

The outter frame is made with 1" Hardwood, and jointed to the subframe with glue and biscuits (mostly for alignment). The end panels are trapped between the frames in a dado.

I've left the top & back open for air circulation & for the passing of hoses & wires. Although I have left slots at the back so I can make a back panel at a later date if needed.

Here's a couple pics of the finished stand - only thing left to do is to make the doors, and the final sanding & finishing.
It looks substantial because of the 4" frame, but it is not too heavy. I have no idea the actual weight, but I can still lift the whole thing all by myself, so it can't be more than 100 lbs or so.

I cheated on the side panels - they are 1/4" ply, so that saved a lot on weight. The doors, however, will have real wood raised panels, so it will weigh a bit more. <I just finished the first one, & it is only 5 lb or so (guesstimate), so I don't think the stand will end up being too heavy.>
It is finally finished! :D

The inset doors took quite a bit longer to adjust so they fit "just right".

Next, the canopy & the tank setup!
nope he's only at 21% of his limit, but they may be larger than the allowed upload. They have to be less than 100 kb.
*tap, tap, tap...* Still waiting! I gotta see it. The earlier pictures even inspired me to buy that jointer. WELL...... :D
Didn't know there is a size limit! I was being lazy & was didn't bother "doctoring" the pics. Anyways, here are the pics cut down to size.
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