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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2006
With the inspiration of the guys in the forums, I added some Easter Island Moai.


Ya I like it too........I think it could use some more ruffage though.
But I'm a plantguy.
GlitcH said:
Ya I like it too........I think it could use some more ruffage though.
But I'm a plantguy.

Those plants are just what I started with originally. I'm letting the plants do their own thing and overtake the tank. Might take a while, huh? I was thinking of tossing some Java Moss on the area around the heads, but I'm really scared it will grow like crazy out of my control around those rocks. I'll ask in the plant forum about that.
What about Stone Henge on one side! JJ. Looks pretty cool.
3 looks much better... Like they say, never plant bushes in even numbers...
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