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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 4, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Everyone,

I used to own a 6ft tank which i sold when i recently moved in with my partner and i had to downgrade to a small 30L tank which is a bummer.

Anyways i have set it up so that it is tropical with light and filter and a heater obviously. So anyway I like the "shark" type fish best and i have a red-finned black shark who is slighty territorial and does dwell at the bottom below the logs and other fixtures and i am looking to get some more of the shark type fish.

When i used to have the 6ft tank i had two Bala's and one albino red-finned and one black red-finned. I was wondering if it is still possible for me to have Bala's in a small tank? Will they grow too large? and can i have albino and black red-fins in a small tank or will they fight?

Because in my old tank i originally had two albinos and two black red-finned and they both killed off the other of the same type. So the albino killed the weaker albino but didn't attack the black red-finned.

Any thoughts?

redfins willl not tollerate the same species in a tank smaller than a 55+.. dont know why but they just believe everything is theirs.. go with the albino.. its a possibility it will be able to stay in with it. but not garenteed. bala's will get to big for a 29-30gal within the first year. i just had to move mine into a 55 gallon.

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