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The Redtail/Rainbow shark is a smaller species, maxing out at around 4 to 6 inches on average. The only thing bad about them is that they need to be the sole shark in an aquarium. They are highly territorial.

the redtail will be smaller than the rainbows. These are two different "sharks" and the red-tailed is the more aggressive of the 2. If you had them when they are young and last to the tank they aren't so bad.
almost got where you are coming from though, yeah, redtail seems right to me and its ashame they are aggressive they are just too cool
yes. the red tail black shark is one my favourite fish. and a cheap buy also. something good on the eye and good on the wallet allways sounds good. haha

with the jet black body and then having such a bright red tail the coloration is awesome. they dont seem to grow as fast as others too. like the bala shark grows alot faster for example.
The Redtail/Rainbow shark is a smaller species, maxing out at around 4 to 6 inches on average. The only thing bad about them is that they need to be the sole shark in an aquarium. They are highly territorial.

The redtail shark and rainbow shark are two different species. The redtail shark only has a read tail and black fins. While the rainbow shark has a red tail AND Red fins. their is also a red tail loach that looks very similar. I have a RAINBOW shark and while they get an inch or two larger than the redtail shark, i have found mine to be pretty peacful. I also have a bala shark and the two get along without any problems. The rainbow shark likes to hide in caves a lot and the bala shark swims around out in the open alot. The both scavenge off the bottom and eat falling foods.
oh also, i wouldn't suggest getting a Bala, i got one and he's not happy at all on his own. They like to be with other sharks and get HUGE. Mine has been very susceptible to disease and i think his growth is stunted because he's got sick and almost died 3 times and hasn't grown at all in my tank (4 months). I was going to return him, but he seems to be doing ok now, and i figure, if i return him, some little kid will probably buy him and stick him in a 10 gallon, so he's better off with me.

Although the rainbow sharks get up to 6 inches and the redtails only get about 4" i think the rainbow sharks are pretty peacful and interesting. Mine has doubled in size since i got him, but he has his own little territory in a cave.
yeah. i have one of those black sharks and is in with a red tail black shark. and the black sharks to me are weak. my black shark gets chases around the tank by my red tail black shark which is half the black sharks size. and mine has been in my 80 gallon tank for a year and has only grown not even a cm it looks. hes about 11 cm atm.

and fish tend to grow differantly depending on the amount of water volume they are contained within.
Black sharks need 180gallons minimum as a final tank, so they are not well recommended. Peaceful ones are few and far between two, with most holding their own against aggressive cihlids.

I would also recommend 180 gallons again for balas (they need schools and can hit 14") anything else is just cruel.

Smallest cyprinid shark is the Red Tail which is a little more aggressive than the larger rainbow shark.
physicsdude said:
heres some onfo on some pretty common sharks, i find this website's advice on fish to be pretty dam accurate:

too bad it isnt accurate.. it says the irridesent only reaches 12"..wrong! is the most accurate sorce for information available to the non-academic public (short of having access to univerity libraries on ichtheology journals)..
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