Shiny spot on goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 8, 2016
Hey everyone! I'm a newbie at this so I'm trying to not freak out but I noticed what looks like a chrome shiny mirror spot has formed on my Black Moor goldfishes side. It's just silver and mirrory but doesn't look infected or anything but it doesn't look normal really. He is also developing a white tip on his tail but it definitely does not look like fin rot, just a changing of color. No swelling or what looks like slime or residue like with fungus or fin rot. I read color changes in goldies are normal but this seems weird. I'll try to get pics tonight to post. Thanks for reading this guys, any advice helps?

1. Fish type - Black Moor Goldfish
2. pH- 7.4
Nitrite- 0ppm
Nitrate- 10ppm
ammonia- 0.25ppm
3. 29 gal aqueon, and about 7 weeks old (2 weeks with fish in)
4. Filter type - unknown huge filter. (bought used but completely cleaned) two wheel cartridges with purple seats but no cartridges in currently, filter stuffed with biological media and ammonia/nitrate reducing pads
5. the Black Moor (3in) in question, a Calico Oranda Goldfish(3in), and a Rubber Lip pleco(3.5in). Also Two Inca Gold snails and a handful of Nerites. And a handful of plants, Hornwort, Moneywort, Banana Plant, Anacharis, Java fern, and two i cant remember the names of
6. last water change was 4 days ago but I'm doing one tonight to be safe, it gets weekly 30-40% changes and gravel gets vacuumed every time.
7 The two goldfish about 5 weeks and the pleco about 4. Spent time in 10gal temporary tanks until 2 weeks ago.
8. nothing new to the tank except the fish. tank was well established with all furnishings
9. A variety of flakes and pellets in very small amounts, occasional feeding of brine shrimp, majority of diet is Sera Spirulina tabs, and fresh greens incl. kale, spinach, dark green lettuces, and also seaweed.

I hope i included everything. Ask anything else you guys need to know.


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Not sure but that's what my girlfriend said too. It looks like it is going away or getting smaller anyway and his tail looks normal again. Just gonna keep watching him.
Nothing sharp although I might have missed a spot when sanding their ornaments. Side note it got really hot in my house today and I managed o keep the tank below 82 but now the black moor seems to be breathing heavily. The calico oranda is fine tho. Should I be worried or just let the oxygen level rise in the tank again and watch it. I feel so paranoid about these guys lol.
They have a big air stone already. He's hiding this morning so I think he's resting lol. The temp is back to 75 or 76 tho so I think he'll be fine.
Just remember that the warmer the water temp the less O2 the fish have to breathe. With GF, you almost can't have too much air bubblng. Also to keep an extra on hand as they are cheap to buy, but those things always break in the middle of the night or when you are rushing off to work.

I would keep up the water testing and also the frequent 30% pwc every few days.

ALSO: You have added a significant bioload to the filter and it may have enough BB from the cycle if I was understanding. If the filter and media is only 2 weeks old, then the tank is not cycled yet. And you need to check out more about fish in cycling. There is a article link in my signature with lots of extra info linked to that article.
No the tank cycled for 4 weeks and had a pretty significant kick-start too. I'll keep watching the fish and water for sure but no they were in a 10gal temp until the big tank was cycled. Sorry if I didn't clarify.
Took your advice and added a bubble wall. He seems to be breathing normally but he still seems sluggish. Everyone else in the tank still seems fine tho.
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