should i get any more fish and/or get another tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2011
I have a 10 gallon community tank with 3 guppies, a peppered cory catfish, a sunburst mickey mouse platy, and 4 ghost shrimp. I use aqadviisor for calculationg my stocking level and it says its at 90%. I was wanting to put a little more color in the tank because I already have red, orange, yellow, and brown. One of my guppies is red. My platy is yellow and orange. My catfish is brown with black spots. The other two guppies have purple and pink and green and some other colors on them, but they are random bloches. They aren't huge either. I used to have a dwarf gourami that was neon blue with bright orange and striped. He was the prettiest fish in the tank, until I noticed he had dropsy. :( he is dead now, but he is in a better place... I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for species that look really good that would fit in my tank. I have also been considering getting another 5 gallon aquarium. I wish my mom would let me get a big tank, but she doesn't want me to... I know that not many fish would be able to live in something thag small. I would probably make it a display for another place in my moms house. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
you can get at least 12 chili rasboras in a 5G with no problem coz they are a nano fish. so I think I recommend you to get another tank if you are allowed and can afford it. :)
max, other than myself, I've never seen anyone post about using colors of fish to stock their tank. I've done that before. I had one tank that I tried to keep all red/orange. Had h. rasboras, mickey mouse platys and red and orange guppies. And I had another tank that was "blue", with neon tetras and dwarf gouramies. They are beautiful fish. I absolutely LOVE the powder blues. Gorgeous. Couldn't you get another DG? They can be sensitive though.
Yes I can get another dg. I love them! My favorite type of fish are cichlids and.dgs
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