Show me your loaches....

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My yoyos do that all the time. Unfortunatly, I woke up this morning to all of my kubotais dead. Not sure what happened, tested the water levels, and all is good. They didn't look beat up or anything. They were all still eating, but had started hiding more over the past couple days. So I guess now I get to decide what to replace them with once I make sure there is not a parasite or anything in that tank that could have killed them without leaving any signs of its presence.
they were awesome. I loved them. At $10 each though...:( Worst part is, I don't know what happened. Everyone else in the tank is fine. I don't understand...
This is the only guy I could get a good shot of....
This is coolio, my striped khuli loach
Ok, I got the video of the fight uploaded. Be warned, it is not good looking -- very overexposed, I don't know how to adjust that in movie mode on my camera. It does get a little better after a few seconds, but anyway, you can make out the action.

Hope that works. And I'm very sorry to hear about your kubotai, hsherman.
i wish i could watch that video, my computer doesn't take well to things like that :( too old.

I think i might just get a school of glass cats for that tank instead. Do something different. I dunno...
majolo said:
Ok, I got the video of the fight uploaded. Be warned, it is not good looking -- very overexposed, I don't know how to adjust that in movie mode on my camera. It does get a little better after a few seconds, but anyway, you can make out the action.

Dang! It's a knockdown dragout, and then they tried to get that third loach into the action but he was having none of it. "I'm out of it--this is between you two." :?
Burmese border loach...

Clown loaches...

Yoyo loach...

another yoyo loach...

dojo loach....

And I have a horseface loach but never see him first thing in the morning.
those are some good looking loaches. I was thinking of getting some horseface loaches, but I want some glass cats too...I dunno, maybe I can figure out how to do both..hmm...
The horseface is the best fish I've ever had at hiding. When moving he was still hiding in the sand when I was digging the sand out of the tank. There was no water in it. He's lucky to be alive.
How large will the schistura get? A site I saw said about 2.5 inches. The LFS has a few that are like that - not sure if they're the exact same species, does anyone have any more info about the 'eel' like loaches? (Not kuhli, but the fat bodied ones like were posted above).
Well, mine are about 4" long, but they're a lot thinner than botia so overall they've a smaller body mass, if that makes sense.

I think this is generally true for most schistura: there aren't many which are huge, like botia can get.
Best place to check out profiles for schistura is
Check the species index and have a browse through each one! :)

You may also want to look at pangios, and nemacheilus
mugginns, look up dojo loaches. Those are probably what you are looking for as far as the eel like loaches go.
I actually picked up a dojo loach today from the LFS. 7.99 I think, it's about 3-4 inches in length. The LFS employee wasn't keen on selling me yoyos (which I thought would be too aggressive) or skunk's. I'm pleased.
you will like him. If I were you, I would go back and get 1 or 2 more. Mine really seem to appreicate each others comany.

My yoyos are only aggressive to each other, and my skunks are the same way. They don't try to kill each other tho, they just chase each other around
Bear in mind weather loaches grow fairly big at up to 12" or so a piece, so if you've three of them make sure your tank is big enough to accommodate them...
If it was a 4" or 2.5" fish you were after, these are probably not the best choice.

They are also a coldwater fish, preferring a temp of 10-22c (50-68 ). I'm betting your tank is tropical...which would not be the best home for them.

A sand substrate, or very small rounded pea gravel would be suitable for your substrate: these fish burrow. If you're using anything else you may have to expect injury in the long-term.

Anne, I love your horseface btw! They're such a cute loach, and it's nice to see something a bit different for once other than yoyos, clowns & co.!
My yo-yo has been tame for about 4 months. Recently he started chasing and fighting with my striped khuli loach. I had to remove the khuli from the tank, cuz he looked pretty stressed. I stuck him in my discus tank with a black khuli loach. They seem to be getting along good. I haven't noticed any aggression with the yo-yo since I pulled the khuli out of that tank.
I also had a bad experience with another loach I bought years ago. I forget the name of was some kind of fancy guy. It looked like if you would minimize a horse face loach and put a really fancy pattern on him. He was super active and very aggressive. I moved him from tank to tank, because he was harrasing every single fish. I eventually put him in my semi-aggressive tank with fish that were no smaller than twice his size. He harrassed all the fish in that tank also. I eventually had to quarantine him in a 10 gal. When I bought him, the LFS said he was a peaceful tankmate. HA!
Regardless, I still love my loaches and currently have 4 of them. I really want to get another hillstream loach. I haven't had one of those in years. Those are soooo cool!
Great pictures everyone! :)

I've wanted to reply to this post for days, but hadn't had time to get my pictures ready. I finally had the time today so here they are!! :)

Two of my Dojos

One of my best Dojo shots!

One of my newest Dojos - a Gold one!

Uno, my one-eyed Yoyo (he's been missing an eye since I got him several months ago and he's doing very well without it)!

All four of my Yoyos together (the one on the far right is a 'runt')
GouramiFanatic said:
All four of my Yoyos together (the one on the far right is a 'runt')

I remember your post from a long time ago ("yoyo not growing"). Is that Tiny?

Do the other fish pick on Uno or does he hold his own pretty well?

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