Show off your Betta(s)!

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Meet and Greet, introduction for possible use of bubblenest.



What does a bubble nest mean? I have one betta that's been making a pretty big one
Oh nice :) I already have five betta's don't need any babies haha. A friend tells me you can group just females up in a small tank though without them fighting is that true?
True females can be together and I have 5 right now they are great together. BUT it depends on the fish personality. One of the meanest fish I ever had was a female Betta, was worst than any male Betta in the aggression area.
My betta's havnt shown the aggressiveness everyone talks about, I usually put them in another tank when I clean theirs. People seem to act like they'll automatically attack eachother or other fish but I havnt experienced that yet
Mine sure does. I had to remove my two male ADF because he has started bullying them the last few weeks. He is reaching sexual maturity and boy can I tell! Eating all of the frog pellets AFTER I've stuffed him with his own food or bloodworms, just to show dominance.

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My little brother has a retarded crowntail cause the crowntail kept attacking his own reflection and eventually it injured the poor fella
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396330347.486554.jpg this is my 3 gallon betta tank' with java fern and amazon sword and a Marimo moss ball
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396475210.457771.jpg my blue crowntale betta! (Obviously a male) his name is Atun (Spanish for tuna)
Haha well betta fish are very beautiful, it's hard to just have one
Agreed! If a pastel rosetail shows up on aquabid, I might just have to increase that number to six....
Haha yea I only have 2! My mom doesn't like the fact that I waste my money on fish and plants
My extremely devoted bubble nest builder ?

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