Show off your Betta(s)!

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Beautiful fish! and great shot :)

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
16 gallon vampire shrimp and snails
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This is Lorenzo, I've had him for about 2 years. The ghost shrimp recently moved into my new community tank because Lorenzo is definitely the most aggressive betta I've ever had.

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Thought I would revive it, Alrighty the first two are of my female that died like 10 months ago.

Her dropsy was insane as you can see, but with some help from me and a lot of fighting on her part, she lived. However, I left then lid off one day, forgetting to put it on after a water change. I discovered her after school in a pile of papers by the desk. Very sad.

The last two are of the male I bought at petco like 6 months ago, he is very fond of algae tabs and always finds a way to shred his own fins.

How did you get rid of her dropsy?! I've had a few fish I bought from the store (before I knew what dropsy looked like) that I tried every possible thing and they all ended up dying. I fear my betta one day will get it:/

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How did you get rid of her dropsy?! I've had a few fish I bought from the store (before I knew what dropsy looked like) that I tried every possible thing and they all ended up dying. I fear my betta one day will get it:/

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Well, dropsy is usually caused by two things > Parasites or Bacteria

She was the only fish in the tank and never had any stringy poop or any other parasitic symptoms so I figured it was bacterial as bacteria don't need a host and could have been propagating without my knowledge. I then dosed melafix, according to the instructions. Sometimes I dosed a bit more but that was on accident. Something I will do in the future will be to give the food some garlic to soak in to cover all the bases.

I tried not to stress her out and fed her a pellet more than usual but I doubt that is what did it haha

Anyways, when it comes down to it dropsy will usually be caused by parasites or bacteria. The next step would be to look for parasitic symptoms. If those aren't there, medicate for bacteria and feed anti parasitic food if your fish will eat it. I noticed that my betta also was eating readily and that others wouldn't so that may be of interest. Perhaps parasitic dropsy is more likely to cause fish not to eat?
My betta

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Everyone's bettas are so beautiful <3 :) here's a shot of a little guy I picked up about a month ago. His name is Camelot - very skittish and quite picky, he hates photos but I adore him. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1422150698.465599.jpg

He loves to perch in his cabomba hammock :p

Did you hear? I'm starting a group called AA... for Aquaholics Anonymous! ;)
This is The Tailsman.. (The book in the background had no play in the choosing of his name, lol-:angel:)
I got him in September 14 (first picture).. This is him now :) (last picture)

((Note: He is not in either of these tanks anymore. He resides in a MUCH larger filter/heated tank))


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This is The Tailsman.. (The book in the background had no play in the choosing of his name, lol-:angel:)
I got him in September 14 (first picture).. This is him now :) (last picture)

((Note: He is not in either of these tanks anymore. He resides in a MUCH larger filter/heated tank))

Absolutely gorgeous bettas :)

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
16 gallon vampire shrimp and snails
He's my kingpin ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1422384918.909987.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1422384943.659739.jpg

It's tough to get a nice shot of his true colors because the light has to hit him just right so my camera actually pics it up. None the less there he is.
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