shrimp breeding temperature

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 1, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Hello, I've been keeping my red rilis at around 79 degrees. I was wondering What the "optimal" temperature for breeding and good health is. Idk if 79 is too high or not.
My parameters are good and I try to keep the nitrates low, and give them a shrimp pellet for about 30 minutes every few days. They have a nice supply of algae but when it's gone I plan to give them algae wafers as well every few days, switching off.
I have 9 shrimp, 5 or 6 saddled females and I have assumed the rest are male. 5 gallon fluval spec.
If your looking to lower the temp a bt, I keep my RCS at 76F and they have NO problems breeding.
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