Shrimp Compatability

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 15, 2004
In a smaller tank (10g or less), what shrimps go best together?

I've only had ghost shrimp, and only for the twenty minute drive home from the LFS that sells them for 15 cents a pop so that I could feed them to my fish.

This time I would like to try creating an all-shrimp tank. =)
Amanos, Cherries, Tigers and Rudolph Shrimp all grow between 3/4" to just over 1" and would be fine in a 10g. Bamboo shrimp are really cool as well, but they can get over 3" long and need microorganisms in the water to eat, since they fan the water.

Some FW Shrimp can be a little expensive ( I gave 5 bucks a piece for my Cherries, more than a lot of fish), so you might want to start out with some cheap ghost shrimp first. If the ghost thrive, buy various others. If they die, well, it's money saved.

Heres a site that can give you more ideas to get you started on various shrimp needs......
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