Shrimp laying on its back

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2017
Hey everyone! So yesterday I bought a pair of cherry shrimps (one of them is berried too! :D) I acclimated them and then slowly released them to my tank (no other fish). This morning, I found one of the shrimp laying on its back and moving his legs, my last shrimp died like that too :(
Is there anyway I can save him now?
If by chance they came from a well known big box store, I have had a sad and similar thing that happened like that. And then other occasion and they were fine. Perhaps luck of the draw.

If it is not your water parameters then maybe newly stocked / shipped stock.
Depending upon when they received these guys - often I see dead shrimp in the tanks.
He died few days ago :(
Sorry that I didn't reply earlier coralbandit... When I bought them, they both had kind of fungus on them. My berried shrimp is doing good tho, hope I see shrimplets soon ^_^
When I bought them, they both had kind of fungus on them.

If you knew they had a fungus on them why did you risk buying them ?
I would have waited and found healthy ones elsewhere .
It was the only shop where I could find them. I didnt notice the fungus on them at the store... My bad :|
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