Shrimp Pellets

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 12, 2004
philadelphia, PA
hey guys and gals.. quick question..

I have tried using Wardley's shrimp Pellets (sinking) for my two cories..
they drop like rocks and the cories don't exactly have a homing device that I know of that takes them right to them..

in your experience.. do these little guys find them later and eat them.. or am I just polluting my tank?

I've never seen my cories eat shrimp pellets. I've got hikari sinking wafers and algae wafers. They seem to find them quite quickly.

in the fish store i work at we feed wardley's shrimp pellets also, and our cories love them. usually it takes some time for them to find them, but htey usually do within the course of a day. plus, its easier for them to eat the pellets when they have been soaking a little while and are slightliy dissolved. this is a much better choice for cories than algae wafers, which has a very high plant matter content.

When you put the pellets in, try to aim them and actually hit the cories with the pellets. I do this with my loach and african dwarf frogs. They will usually eat it immediately. If the shrimp pellets stay in there for too long, the pellets will break up into small pieces when a fish comes by and all the little pieces will fall between the gravel. If these pieces aren't eaten in a day then there will more than likely be a white fungus growing on them. So don't put in too many and make sure they are eaten.
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