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Ember tetras
Neon/cardinal tetras
I've all kept these in my shrimp tanks, they don't bother the shrimp, but a few shrimplets will get picked off here and there.
In my tanks i have about 12 cardinals in my show tank, and I'm guessing over fifty crs.
In a five gallon i think you could get away with 5-8 tetras with a bunch of shrimp. Just keep up on water changes and good filtration,and plants to make the shrimp baby survival a lot easier
In my tanks i have about 12 cardinals in my show tank, and I'm guessing over fifty crs. In a five gallon i think you could get away with 5-8 tetras with a bunch of shrimp. Just keep up on water changes and good filtration,and plants to make the shrimp baby survival a lot easier
5-8 huh? That seems like quite the party.. Make sure you get a sponge bob pineapple they can all hang out in too! (Sarcasm)
He's right about them needing a bigger tank. But realistically he probably wont buy a bigger tank. Tetras should be kept in schools of atleast five or more to calm eachother, it may be a bit over stocked for a five gallon but that all he's got he can make it work. Well planted and good filtration you will have no problem. By a bunch I would start with maybe six, and they will breed from there. After a while pull some out and sell them back to the pet store. This may sound overstocked but its no so much about the dimensions of a tank as it is the filtration and bio load. Fish can swim in circles all day, and not care as long as they eat, and have good parameters.
So, knowing that the tank is too small, why suggest a combination that won't really work out in the long term? IMO a 10 gallon is on the small side for neons or cardinals, a 5 gallon is really not large enough. Plus, either of those species eventually get large enough to eat juvenile (and possibly adult) shrimp.

Ember tetras would be a better choice, but honestly if you are wanting a tank where you see your shrimp and they don't hide constantly, you'd be better off adding something like ramshorn snails as tank mates.
Five gallon is not too small IMO , again, it's the filtration and bio load of the tank. Small tanks can be worked around. Plant heavily, shrimp and fish will be safe. Over filtrate, get and aquaclear thirty or something. Feed small amounts, less food pollutes the water, and also provides less protein resulting in less need for fish to be active (your fish wont starve). A fish will get the same amount of activity in a small tank as it would in a larger one, either way they are swimming. {cardinals and tetras also tend to hover most the time} if you provide enough plants/wood that will take the stress factor out of the question. This is just my opinion and whats worked for me. That's what I like about this forum already, everyone feeding advice, at the end of the day it's your choice bud :)
If the fish move according to the size of the tank, then that is very wrong, trust me, they need a bigger tank
A badis would be a good option
Or some pearl danios
Or sparkling gouramis
Or snails
Fish don't move to the size of a tank. Do you move around more or less depending on the room your in, (I'm not talking about a bathroom or a bedroom :p ) you can do the same amount of walking in a 100x100 room as you can in a 50x50 room, just in one you would have more options and paths to take. A tetra to a five gallon is like us on a half basketball court, the room is really not the issue here IMO, obviously don't go so small, but its whats in the water, not whats holding it.
No, more like a tetra in a 5 gallon is like us in a small root extras are small, but very active, trust me, I have been keeping them for a while now
I'm not sure what a small root extra is but I get your point, we could break it down and do the math and figure out the proportions of a tetra to the tank, and us to a room in comparison but that is beside the point, I think there is enough info here for him to make his own choice.
Maybe just do only shrimp and solve the argument :p shrimp are really cool on their own, especially when you get babies xD

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