Shrimpy desire!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 12, 2012
Wish to have shrimps in my 25 gallon tall planted tank. I have 1 ghost shrimp, 17 neon tetras & 3 Cory cat. I can't find any freshwater shrimp in Kuwait pet shops. They have only saltwater shrimp. My doubt can saltwater shrimp survive in my tank? Which one can I buy.
Thanks for your help!
They are in short of ghost shrimps! N I wanted to add more color to my tank
Daredix said:
Wish to have shrimps in my 25 gallon tall planted tank. I have 1 ghost shrimp, 17 neon tetras & 3 Cory cat. I can't find any freshwater shrimp in Kuwait pet shops. They have only saltwater shrimp. My doubt can saltwater shrimp survive in my tank? Which one can I buy.
Thanks for your help!

No saltwater shrimp will survive in freshwater that I know of
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