Sick African Clawed Frog

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 20, 2008
I have an ACF that is 10 years old. Until recently it was very healthy and was kept in a 10 gallon tank with a couple of other ACFs. All of a sudden it has lost a ton of weight and isn't eating anything. It has a small lump on its side under the arm but that has been there for a while, even before it got sick. It isn't a weird color and has remained small in size. My frog's eye looks a bit dilated compared to a normal frog's eye. Can anyone describe what sickness my frog has and how to cure it. I've been changing the water daily in case it's a bacterial infection but I haven't seen much improvement.
It sounds like it is a bacterial infection. I would consider if possible removing him to a QT tank and treating with a bacterial medication. Do read the directions as frogs can have issues with some medications due to no scales.

I have also treated with some aquarium salt. However I do caution heavily to use half the recommended doses.
Sick frog

Thank you. I have isolated this frog since last week the others in the tank tried to eat her leg. I forgot to mention that her feet turned white around the time when she first got sick. Do you recommend purchasing an antibacterial medicine and which one?
that sounds like a bacterial infection. You can do the salt method or you could try the medicine route which you could do meroxy. Remember that the main reason this occurs in frogs is because of bad water conditions. Remember to keep the water VERY clean.
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