Sick Black Moor

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 23, 2003
Charlotte, NC
This started out as cloudy eye and has progressed into something more. I have him in a QT. The cloudy eye has gotten better, but I noticed during the infection a bump right behind his gill but this went away after about a week but has now reappeared on his back. And another one is popping up behind that one. The first bump has now grown into something that looks like a huge whitehead zit. His stomach has also blown up like he is bloated but has almost gone back to normal now. I am treating him with Formalin & Neosulflex every other day. I am also using Melafix everyday (with break periods every few days) and have put Aquarium Salt in a few times. It seems this medicine is helping the cloudy eye but is doing nothing for the bumps. I do a 10% water change every week because you know how goldfish can be. And do a 50% evey other week. Does anyone know what this is and if I am using the right medicine. He has been in the QT for quite sometime now and seems very lonely. He is eating well and seems to have a great appetite. I put zuchinni (sp?) in there for him every couple of days on top of his regular flakes and Bio Blend food. This is what he has been getting since we got him a long time ago so this is not a new diet for him. Any advice would be greatly apprecited because I want to get him back with his friends as soon as possible.
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