Sick clown loach?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 16, 2003
Caguas, PR

I currently have two clown loaches in my community tank(46gal.). One of them looks almost paper thin, and unable to swim properly or it just drags all over the place with the water current.

I've been looking around all over the net but I'm not really sure as to what it could be. Any ideas?

What can I do to prevent this with any future clown loaches?

Any other precautions to take with future loaches?

Thank You.
How long have you had it?

I'm wondering if its something called "skinny disease". I've come across it a number of times in the forums. I can't remember exactly what the treatment is off the top of my head; do pop over there and search the forum for some answers. It does seem to show up a little later on; not right off the bat. Could also be parasites; clowns are all wild caught and usually are carrying something. As time goes on, they starve due to the parasites grabbing more n more of the food it eats.

About two weeks now. I went to the site and what I found so far is that they use Maracyn and Maracyn 2 and another medication that it is used for sheeps, etc. which I don't remember the name of the drug at the moment. Will look it up again.
Levamisole? I think thats what you're looking for. Dunno if its available in Puerto Rico; you may want to contact a local vet and see if they can spare some (if they have any).
Thank you Allivymar.

I will verify with local vets if they have any. Any other alternatives if I don't find it here or that can be purchased online?

Not sure; I've never had to purchase it myself. You might want to post that question on as well.
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