Sick Danio (Septicemia?)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 11, 2017
My Zebra Danio, which I have had for at least 2 years, has been swimming strangely (vertically, slowly) today, and it looks like he has internal bleeding! There is no apparent injury or scratch on the outside of his body. When I first noticed I added API Melafix, and I just returned from my local pet store where I picked up API FURAN-2, which I have just dosed my tank with. Any advice will be super helpful!

Other facts - 10 gallon planted tank, with red platys and some cory cats (all seem to be acting/eating normally). I recently added a new rock and new plants, which admittedly I did not clean before adding to the tank. My female Albino Cory Cat died yesterday (have had for over 2 years also) with no apparent illness/injury before or after death. I have been feeding my fish frozen bloodworms a couple times a week for the last 2 weeks, along with flakes daily. I did about a 15-20% water change 2 days ago, and conditioned the water I put in the tank as normal. I currently only have an ammonia test kit, so I am not sure/able to check my water parameters this evening. PLEASE HELP! (Also, what is the best way to sanitize/clean plants before adding, I have reviewed videos etc but would like to hear from people about personal preference/experience)
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