Sick demasoni

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 9, 2013
At first I thought she might be holding because she had not ate in about 5 days. I moved her from main tank to a 10 gallon and that's when I notice the white stuff coming off her gill plate. At first it wasn't bad looked like maybe she had a injury from scratching a rock or something but it has gotten worse over last two days. Looks almost like a white little tube coming off the side of gill plate and has started to form other spots mainly around the gill and head area. Any help with identifying what it might be would be greatly appreciated. Not the best pics but they were the best I could get.


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When my Demasoni was sick I quarantined it in a 10 gallon tank by maintaining temperature @ 72F, added Quickcure and did the recommended water changes along with treatment. Sometimes doing too much will stress them out more. I wouldn't recommend trying too many things while its sick. Maintain water parameters as consistent as possible and if they will make it they're start pulling through. Hope she gets better, good luck!
Yeah she is in her own tank now. All I did was add alittle extra salt to the water. All the other demasoni in the tank she came out of seem totally fine. Just gonna watch her and hope for the best.
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