I am new to keeping fish but have been under the guidance of my (very experienced) father, but we are both a little miffed at what happened with two of my four gouramis and their rapid deterioration of health. I purchased all four fish from the same store (Petco - we are aware that these fish can have health issues, but all presented as healthy at the store), and all seemed fine until today (four or five days after they came home). When I fed them this morning, I noticed the scales on one of my powder blue gouramis looked almost necrotic. A red gourami also had discoloration in the same part of his body, but his looked more white and splotchy than the blue's. I turned their light to a dark blue and did a 40% water change. I went about my day and returned to find these two fish in worse shape than when I left. The blue seemed a bit bloated and his eyes looked sunken in. He spent most of his time hiding in the dark at the back, top of the tank. The red was resting on the bottom and looked lethargic. Both patches had spread to the other side of their bodies (the images included were from the morning). I removed both and humanely put them to rest. The remaining two gouramis both appear healthy (open fins, eating, swimming around), but I'm wondering if they have the chance to catch whatever illness this was? Is my tank safe for future fish?
Aquarium is a 40 gallon breeder tank. I did a 15% water change on Tuesday (2/5/19) and the fish were introduced on Sunday (2/3/19).
Aquarium is a 40 gallon breeder tank. I did a 15% water change on Tuesday (2/5/19) and the fish were introduced on Sunday (2/3/19).