sick goldfish, I'm leaving on vacation

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2007
So, in three days I'm going to Paris. Having said that, here's my fish situation:
I have a 30 gallon tank that has been running with a canister filter for about three weeks. I've seeded it with the sponge from a well established filter several times, but its been an emergency home for my 5 goldfish after a tank cracked. They've been in there for a few days. I've noticed that one of them has frayed anal fins and tail fin. The skin between the rays seems to be gone on part of her tail and anal fins. I put her in another emergency 10 gallon tank. She's a 2 inch pearlscale by the way. I don't know whats wrong with her. I also don't know how I should treat the water in the 30 gallon tank that I just removed her from because its still working on building bacteria I'm sure and there are four more goldfish in the tank. I've been changing the water every few days, but I won't be able to do that for the week while I'm in Paris. Any help would be appreciated.
How long are you gone for? With cycling tanks, you'll need someone to change the water for you every day or 2.

What are your NH3/NO2 numbers? Frayed fins usu. means poor water conditions, not uncommon during cycling. Treatment is clean water & maybe a little salt (0.1%). Actually a little salt is good in all your cycling tanks, to protect from nitrite poisioning. <Although slat won't help during your ammonia spike.>

If you can't get someone to change water for you when you are gone, the best I can suggest is to heavily seed the tanks with stuff from your established tanks (or get some bio-spira) to get the cycle finished. <Given enough seeding material, you can establish a cycle with minimal spikes in just a day or 2.>
Thank you Jsoong, very helpful as usual. Ammonia, nitrate and nitrites are all very low according to my new test strips. Maybe they're wrong...
I'm going to be gone for a week and I don't think the person who is feeding my fish for me will be willing to change the water. I'll add salt. Does that affect the cycling process?
Your goldfish could have finrot, which if it's mild can clear up with good water conditions. If it becomes worse, there are anti-fungal meds you can use. Also, I would suggest liquid test kit as people here on AA usually say they are more reliable and accurate than the strips.
Well, a week is not too bad. I wouldn't trust test stripes on levels. If your NH3 & NO2 are reading positive in the stripes, I'd be wary.

I'd suggest doing several big water changes (once or twice a day) before you go. That way the tanks would have minimal NH3/NO2 to start with. Seed the tanks again. Then have the person feed VERY lightly (maybe only once every 2 days). With luck, your levels won't get too bad after a week.

Salt won't mess with your cycle at low levels, so I'd keep the tanks at 0.1% during your absence.
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