Sick goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2004
Hi all,newbie to the forum thing but not to the hobby.I have an 800 gallon outdoor pond with fantail goldfish in it.It has been up and running for about 5 years now.My problem is that every spring I have at least one of my biggest goldfish floating upsidedown for weeks on end till it finally dies.This year the one that was floating I brought inside to a 10 gallon quarentine tank.She has a large sore on her side and I have been treating her with meliafix.The sore is healing up nicely but she is still constantly floating on her side and won't eat.What can be done if anything to help her to be able to swim ok.I really want to put her back in the pond,but and afraid she'll just die.I live in southcentral PA and don't feed my fish at all in the winter and she hasn't been fed yet this year.I hope someone can help! :(
Hey try to get the fish to eat peas even if you have to hold the fish and try to let the fish suck it in. try feeding it a salt pebble this will draw out the parasites inside it and kill the bacteria that cause this. it sounds kind of insane to feed it salt but its happened to me and its hard to get the fish to eat it but it works!!! but if it doesnt work feed the fish as much peas it can eat a good amount not over fed! the melafiix wont help with the swimbladder but peas will also clean it right out!! if you can manage to get a small pebble of salt in the pea that would help greatly!! so this doesnt recur again dont feed your fish flake or floating pellets,sticks ect. the sickness is caused by air as the go to the surface and gulp the flakes or pellets ect. sinking food that is drenched in water is the best food for fish because it doesnt let air get into their bellys which cause the infection and makes the fish not able to swim upright and has difficulty correcting its self.

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