sick hawaiian feather duster?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 28, 2002
I admit, I am not sure it is sick and or dieing, this could be normal, but I dont think so.

We bought this duster yesterday, the tube was a nice tan color, it had glued rocks to its bottom piece. It has not come out of the tube since we brought it home. Mid morning, the center part of its tube, about 2 inches worth or more, became transparent. You can see the crown of the feather duster in there.

Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on? also, if it is unhappy, what might we do to make it happier?
I admit that I don't know much about feather dusters, but we have some at the store that sound just like yours. You can see the crown inside the tube. I wouldn't say these are really transparent...more like translucent, but clear enough to see into. These are apparently healthy as they come out often and seem to have grown a little since we got them in. I wonder if it's a stress reaction to being moved? Have you tried placing it in a different spot in the tank?
Logan J
I felt like whatever going on was stress related to the move. I have not
changed locations in the tank because i felt like that would stress it out more.
Do these have the capability of moving on their own at all?
I would try placing it so that the tube is touching the substrate. This will give them a material that is much easier to work with when they make thier tube.
I think it went translucent to make its "glue" or whatever it is that allows it to stick stuff to it, because it started putting sand on the clear places. We have no crushed coral and that is what it had on the bottom of the tube, maybe it wanted to blend in a little better. My husband says I am giving it too much credit :roll:

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