Sick Keyhole Cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 25, 2005
Lexington, KY
1. The patient is a keyhole cichlid, approximately 3 years old, 1/2 of a breeding pair.

2. Symptoms: Lethargy, hiding in back of the tank near the top, not swimming around much like its mate. Facing backward in tank. Usually a VERY aggressive fish as far as food, territory, etc. No outward signs of parasites, fungus, etc. Not interested in food.

3 ammonia=0 nitrites=? nitrates@15 temp 84 pH 6.3

4. 90 gallons, set up around 3 years, heavily planted, CO2, etc.

5. Tankmates= 4 discus, 2 dwarf pleco, 15 cardinal tetra, 3 flagfish and its mate, the female keyhole. All showing no signs of problems

6. I use the estimative index for dosing ferts so I change 50% of water once a week. I have a Fluval 404 plus a similar sized eheim professional II running on the tank.
7. The only change I have recently made is to feed the entire tank some live redworms as a treat. The male keyhole, as he is usually a pig when food comes around got more than his share.
I just set up my quarantine tank and would like to know what you guys and gals would suggest as to my first course of action.
Have you seen the fish poop lately? Is it white and stringy? Is the fish breathing rapidly? It may be an internal parasite. I would QT the fish for starters. Is he bloated at all or is the fish having difficulty in swimming?
I have him in quarantine already. No poop that I have noticed. Perhaps some bloating, but minimal if at all. I have started on Epsom Salt 1 tbsp/ 5 gal. He is just sitting at the bottom of the tank, upright, and minimal movement. Just going to let him rest for now.
Try feeding some frozen peas. You may not be successful since he isn't eating and if not remove the peas asap. I think the epsom salt is a good start. What temp are you keeping the QT tank at?
I am keeping the QT tank the same temp as the larger tank; @

84-86. As of now, he is sitting quietly at the bottom of my QT tank, not moving other than fin movement to keep him upright. I really wonder if he is just old and ready to go to the aquarium in the sky.
With the temps that high make sure you either add a bubbler or lower the water level a bit for him. How old is he do you know?
Update on sick keyhole cichlid

I lowered the water temp to 80 in the quarantine tank. I also began dosing with Maracyn II and Prazi-Pro. He is definately bloated , but no pineconing as in dropsy. There is also no sign of poop in the QT. He does seem to be more active today, although he is staying on the bottom of the tank. I am going to continue to monitor and keep updated

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