sigh.... 12 gallon questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 14, 2006
So I ended up buying a 20 gallon tank the other day and haven't really had time to set it up with finals coming up. when we were initally looking for a tank for me, my dad sort of fell in love with that Eclipse 12 system (the one everyone recommended not to get). He decided it was "the perfect size for (his) office and (came) with everything (he) needed" :? He's already bought it and is cycling it as i speak. He pretty hellbent on using black neon tetras. He asked how many tetras he should have at max. He also asked what the biggest/friendliest showcase fish he could use(and how many). In regards to my tank, I was wondering if cory cats are really a neccesity in a tank.
Let's get this straight: The question here is about cory cats in your 20 gallon?
Cory cats are never a "neccesity."

Now, two questions coming from your dad:
how many tetras he should have at max.
what the biggest/friendliest showcase fish he could use(and how many)
First answer: neons are not good fish to cycle with. themagpie, do you have a cycled tank yet? If so, give him some of your media so his tank will not go through the cycle. If your tank is not up and running, do you have friends or neighbor's with established disease-free tanks?
Second answer: Are the neons still in the tank after is cycles? This will impact what center piece fish he can have.

Finally, tell your dad he is more than welcome to join AA and get answers and stocking advice directly :wink:
cory cats aren't a necessity ever. they are easy to care for, easy going, and make nice bottom dwellers, so they're just very commonly kept, that's all.

black neons are fine in a 12 gallon, but I wouldn't get more than 6 of them...and that pretty much fills the tank. I wouldn't get fewer than 4, since tetra are a schooling fish and feel safer/do better when kept in groups of at least 4.

Could maybe do 5 neons and 1 male betta as a centerpiece fish. Bettas are not as vicious as you hear...they really only fight with each other (hence 'siamese fighting fish')

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