Silver Dollar Spots

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 13, 2018
One of my silver dollars has a black spot, same spot each side, that comes and goes occasionally. I have heard that it has to do with sexual maturity, that its an illness, that it is the fish healing from something, and that it is a mood indicator. I'm inclined to think it's the first or the last one. The fish seems fine and the dot completely disappears so I don't think it's damaged tissue or anything. Does anyone know the truth? If it is mood or sexual maturity? And if it is, do you know what the dot means, like that the fish is happy or mad, or wanting to breed or not wanting to breed. Any insight is appreciated.

Depends on the specie of silver dollar but it sounds like just normal coloration. Some have black spots ie

Some have stripes ie

some are like this:

The darkness of the black depends on health, background, maturity and mood.
Wild silver dollars tend to come in with black spots ( sometimes referred to as Black Ick) which are encysted parasites. The good news with this is that the parasite does not really effect the fish and needs another animal or bird to eat the fish in order for the parasite to continue it's lifecycle. If that doesn't happen, the parasite just eventually dies off. (y)
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