Silver Dollar

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 13, 2005
Brooklyn NY
I've bought Silver Dollar today. It was in a lfs in a tank with other healthy fish, but when I brought it home and released it in my tank, I noticed something resembling Ich. Immediatelly, I moved it to my former hospital tank that is temporarily hosted by small Banded Leporimus and started adding salt to the tank. Still, I'm not sure whether it is Ich or not because looking at pictures of Silver Dollars and its relatives in Axelrod's Mini-Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes I see that all they have small white dots on their bodies. These dots look like their natural coloration.
Would anyone who have had experience with Silver Dollars help me? Is it really possibly that this is not Ich, but just pattern? I hate to keep this fish with Banded Leporimus for several week that is required for treatment (BL constantly gives SD hard time), but I will not relocate SD to my main tank if I'm not 100% sure about absence of Ich.
Silver dollars do have a bit of coloration other than their natural silver color. Mine have little specs of color on them as well. Does the white look like an actual bump? See if you can see anything a bit raised there. It could be either, IMO. Also, incase you didn't know, SD are best in groups of three or more, and can get quite large. They are also serious herbivores. Don't be surprised if your plants go missing gradually, soon. ;)

Good luck.
they can also be very aggressive. i had to remove my silver dollars from my community tank because they became really mean fin nippers! just my experience...
They are also serious herbivores

omnivorous actually.
*just so you know.

but definetly a vivid plant eater..mine has successfully robbed me of enough plants, in the last 5 months to fill heavily a 29gallon tank. and thats just 1.

but anyway, just remember that salt is an antiseptic for treatment of things like ich and other skin diseases and should be used in conjunction with the higher temperature range and appropriate chemical treatments for the best result.
don't get me wrong, at one stage I only used salt, and it really does work, but it works better along with other products available.
good luck,
but anyway, just remember that salt is an antiseptic for treatment of things like ich and other skin diseases and should be used in conjunction with the higher temperature range and appropriate chemical treatments for the best result.
don't get me wrong, at one stage I only used salt, and it really does work, but it works better along with other products available.
good luck,
I've got some Ich treating medicine and will start using it as soon as I bring water temperature up to 85-86 degrees.
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