Singapore Moss - Brown Underside

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 25, 2014
Vancouver, CA
I've just received my ebay order of some Singapore Moss, sold as Versicularia dubyana, unfortunately the entire underside appeared to be very brown.

See this image:

Unfortunately I neglected to take a photo of it as it had arrived as I was in a rush to get it into the tank and try to bring it back to life. Is this typical for online moss orders?

I'm quite impressed with the size of the piece for $5 and would thinking about ordering more but I'm unsure of whether or not the underside will come back to life at all.

This is my first experience with moss of any kind so any input would be appreciated!
If the top of the moss is green then the brown bottom could be where the moss was laying or growing on something. Anyway while the brown won't green up the moss will grow just fine as long as some live green moss in there.
I have Java Moss and some of it died in the attachment process of attaching it to lava rocks. You'll have some death with any moss, but once it gets going and starts to spread, there is no stopping it.
Moss is very resilient. I've had moss that was 95% brown with very little green. I left it in the tank when I was just about to give up on it. That little green grew and rebounded. Now it's completely green and growing lush. Just be patient as moss is a slow grower.

I hope that eBay seller wasn't overseas.
In my limited experience the brown is permanently dead. As others mentioned the green parts will grow and spread.

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Is it possible to remove the brown bits then? i.e. scissors or should I leave it as it is and let it grow a bit before trimming.
I just left the brown areas alone. Not sure if the brown areas can grow new green branches. I have a lot of flow so the branches keep swaying and rearranging. All I know is that the green is growing but the brown is still brown after a couple of months.

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