Siphon per tank or shared?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 4, 2011
I am dumping the water changer that has been an incessant PITA since day one. Buckets are faster and easier, less frustrating.

So a question: one siphon to share or should each tank have its own?
You can use one siphon for all the tanks, just be sure to let it dry between uses. In case there's something like ich in one of your tanks, you don't want to transfer it to all your tanks - drying it out should kill any parasites or bad things you don't want transferred.
I use the same one, but rinse it with hot tap water (which is chlorinated) after each use, then hang it up from a hook so all of the water drains out and it dries completely. The few times I've had any type of disease outbreak, I sterilize it in bleach water between uses as well.
I use the same one for all my DT's. I have a totally separate set of "everything" for my QT and my SW tanks. As others have mentioned, a good rinse in hot water and air dry will prevent the spread of the "bad" things.
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