Skinny Guppy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2014
Cold Old Wisconsin
I am worried about one of my female guppies, Aileen. She looks too skinny, like something is wrong with her. I thought maybe she had just dropped her fry, because this seemed to happen overnight, but now it has been a few days and I'm not so sure. She is eating, and acting normal. I am going to attempt to post 2 pics on here, a before and after so you can see the comparrison. I hope it works.



Does anyone know what, if anything might be wrong with her? Everyone else in the tank is fine.
She looks the same. Still skinny, but she isn't acting any different. I hope she's okay. She is such a pretty girl. I love her pretty blue tail with those little dots in it.
Does her poos look normal? Are they brownish and "full" or white/clear and stringy? How is her energy level? She looks more pale and her gills look irritated from what I can tell. How are your water parameters?
It could be worms...thats what my wild guppies sometimes look like when i get them. As long as she is not clamped and rotting/whirling i would isolate her and treat with a de-wormer. But of course with my wild guppies i just cull.
Oh no. If it is worms will my other guppies all be infected already? Or even all my other fish? Have you tried medicated food before?
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