Sleepy Clown?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 20, 2003
Dobbs Ferry, NY
This morning I found my clown sitting on the sand, He was upright, not leaning on his side, and breathing. Was he sleeping? Usually I find him near the surface in the morning. I turned the light on & he started to swim around after 15 minutes, but he moved as if he was dazed. Has anyone else seen this happen with their fish? :?:

He has no external signs of disease, has a good appetite & was very active yesterday. :?
yep. probably just resting. You walk around dazed when someone turns the lights on in the bed room also dontya :) ?
My 2 clowns always do that.. it takes a while for them to wake up in the morning. I try to ease them into it with moonlights actinic etc before I blast em with the PC lites and start clanging the garbage can etc LOL

Also my FW clowns (loaches) sleep weirdly too, on their sides, noses, etc. They wake up a bit more readily then the perculas though!!

Seems like I hear that alot about clowns. I think they're just a lil more like humans than some other fish, in that respect.
Ok guys, i really need you help now. i just came home & my poor clown is so docile, he wouldn't ever eat. He's just teetering back and forth. I'm really concerned.

I checked my water params. Salinity is 1.025, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrat is up to 10 ppm ( I took out biowheel & did a 25% water change yesterday & the level has still not gone down.
Midas Blenny, scarlet crab & peppermint shrimp still OK.

What should I do?
We need some tools (information) before we can give you an intelligent response. What is the history of the aquarium, fish, etc.? Are the clowns wild caught or tank raised? Do you quarantine? I would start with a large water change using well aged and aerated saltwater. Clowns, especially wild-caught, often get brooklynella (some call it clownfish disease but other species can get it). Do a search on my name and Seascope magazine and you should be able to find an article that I wrote on using formaldehyde.
Terry Bartelme
hi.....sorry to hear about ur loss DRINKINBIRD... :cry:

just wanted to ask about somethin in relation to sleepin percula clown sleeps just on top of where the water comes out of the powerhead (VERY NEAR TOP OF TANK)

is this normal?????
:?: (he has been doing this for 2 months in my tank and is otherwise healthy)
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