Small catfish suggestions.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 29, 2011
Anyone have any ideas on small catfish besides cory catfish that can help clean the tank but are bigger enough not to get eaten but not too big, i was planning to have cories, mollies guppies & platys in a a 55 gallon tank & what are very hardy small catfish you guys can reccomend? Thanks

- Tylerr.
Synodontis petricola or lucipinnis would be better suited to the hard/alkaline water conditions that livebearers prefer than Cory's. You can usually find young ones (~1") pretty cheap on aquabid. They're also social fish, so a group of 5 or more is best. They grow slowly, about 2 years to reach maturity, and then 1 more to full adult size of 4-5".
Thank you! I don't know much about catfish species, but the lucipinnis does it need a specif temperature? And are they hardy?
I have a group of 5 that were in an unheated tank in the basement for several months a couple years ago. I had a broken hip and couldn't get down the stairs, so I didn't realize I'd forgotten to put a heater back into the tank. Lost all but a couple of the cichlids, but the catfish didn't mind a bit. Last summer the basement temps were in the mid 80's (no air conditioner in the basement) for weeks, that didn't seem to bother them either.
Oh okay thanks. What foods do they prefere? And you think they can be compatible with guppies & live barriers? & are they aggressive?
They'll eat the same thing the guppies/etc will, no reason they shouldn't be compatible. They're social, schooling fish, not territorial or aggressive toward other species.
thanks. One more question, can they be found at any local petstore or do they have to be ordered?
Moved to FW and Brackish- General Discussion.

It just depends on what the stores are like in your area. You may find that you have to order them online.
thanks! But i'm just gonna make a stocking list & are they easy to breed or you don't know?
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