Small question about aquacleae filters

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 24, 2011
Hi guys... I was just wondering about the small plastic piece that fits on the bottom of the aquaclear filters in particular the 70 & 110... I believe it's made to balance the filter and have it sit evenly flat against the back... Is that the only purpose? What is it really for and do I need to have it on there? I am missing it on one of my aquaclears... Does it create better water flow or something? I suppose I can dig up the manual somewhere and look into it. Personally I don't feel like it's a big deal to have that piece on but if it is then someone please enlighten me and I will try to locate and put it on. Thx everyone
I'n all honesty I haven't noticed a difference of when it's on or off so it all up to you. It falls of alot on my ac50 so after a while I gave up.
I keep it on mine just for good measure. As long as its not at too much of an angle id say its no big deal.
It's just to help with the angle of the filter. Mine have all either broken or missing. A small lego block works just as well ;)
It's there to adjust the angle of the filter; without it the filter will lean back/out a bit and the intake tube won't hang straight down inside the tank.
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