Smallest Schooling Fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 16, 2005
Now there are tons of schooling fish in this world, but what is the smallest size schooling fish

i'm not looking for my aquarium or anything, but i've always wondered what was the smallest one

thanks :D

Schooling is a defence mechanisum of small fish, so its likely the smallest fish is a schooling fish, or at least one of the smallest fish is a schooling fish.. HTH
yeah i would of thoght the neon tetra would be one of the smallest tropical schooling fish
i was looking through another forum about the Red Lined Shark and i found this on schooling fish....the pygmy rasbora and the dwarf emerald green eye rasbora are extremely small and they say full grown at 3/4 inch

now the second question, does anyone know of these online any cheaper then that :D
that Stout Infantfish has got to b the wolrds ugliest fish fish. its so small so the Nemo and his freinds dont laugh at how retarded it looks. haha

i wonder what kind of diet they would have :?
The pygmy rasbora (Boraras maculatus) looks to be one of the smallest schooling fish (and still has some color)... 3/4 of an inch..
The freshwater goby (I dont know the tox. name) is supose to only get 1/3 of an inch and I havnt a clue if its a schooling fish.. HTH

talloulou.. I think the question was for freshwater fish.. both the infantfish and the dwarf goby are reef fish (SW)..
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