Snail friendly fishes..advice needed.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2005
N'Awlins, Looziana
Ok.. I am getting three 10G and a 5G mainly for breeding snails in. Im going to have 3 each of Magenta, Violet, Ivory, Walnut (or Chestnut, whatever), and Gold Apple / Mystery Snails. I am thinking that I may as well add a couple of small fish to the tanks. So, as my snails ummm, recreate (which I hope they do a lot) which fish wont eat my baby snails? Should I just get fish that are too small to eat the babies, or are there certain fish that dont particularly care for escargot?

They're freshwater tanks, obviously, and they wont have the best filtration, so I need some fairly hardy fish, I think.

Also, do Gouramis eat burrowing trumpet snails?

Thanks for all the help and patience you guys have shown me.

do Gouramis eat burrowing trumpet snails?
No .. they don't have the teeth to eat the MTS.
which fish wont eat my baby snails?
I believe most fish will eat them, but i don't think guppies will eat them. You want fish that are totally herbavore. most carnivore and omnivore fish will eat snails happily.
If you want small, hardy fish, try white clouds. You need to keep in mind that any fish may snack on snail eggs, as all fish are opportunistic.
Wow, endlers are really neat. I would love to get a few of these guys, but nowhere local has them and I cant bring myself to pay $20 shipping for $10 of fish. So, I will have to find myself some plain old guppies. Any suggestions on which types have personality? I'd rather fun fish than pretty fish if I have to choose.

Thanks again.
BTW, dwarf gouramis will eat snails, Allivymar had one that completely rid her tank of baby snails in no time flat, so go figure!

Lots of people keep bettas in their snail tanks, but guppies sounds like a great option. I'm a mod over on Endler's R Us so if you want to get some of those gorgeous fish that's the place to go. I've got small tanks all over the house with those in them!
Okay.. White Clouds it is. Ican get them pretty cheap locally and theyre really tiny and cute. Thanks for all the advice, guys.
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