Snail I D please.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 19, 2012
Omaha Nebraska
Few weeks ago I seen this big guy/gal hanging out. Also about a few dozen smaller ones. They haven't went after my plants(yet) and seem to sift through the sand witch I dont mind. I never bought snails so they must have come in on plants. Is it an assassin snail?


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Alright, let me expand on my original post because I was in a hurry to get to work this morning. Yes, I would like to know the type of snail this is, ill try and get a clearer picture if I can. Currently I've seen a few dozen but only 2-3 of them are HUGE. And they all come out in the evening.
bud29 said:
Try to get a clearer pic of the huge ones. That will help us identify them more easily.

I'm trying believe me lol. They don't cooperate with the camera.
LOL, would love to see a better pic of the camera shy snails! Skip a feeding or two, then add a sinking pellet next to the glass and watch them run over for a pic!
Autumnsky said:
LOL, would love to see a better pic of the camera shy snails! Skip a feeding or two, then add a sinking pellet next to the glass and watch them run over for a pic!

I'll stake out the tank tonight. I don't have to be up early on Saturday.
Here is some pics, hope they help.


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bud29 said:
I believe those are Malaysian Trumpet Snails. They will quickly reproduce.

They will only over populate if they have a food source readily available. If your over feeding, the population will quickly explode. Just watch how much you feed and the snails should stay within control :) MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) are pretty useful though, they sift through the sand and will aerate the plants roots. They also mostly only come out at night to munch on algea and such :)
Ok thanks. Yes they do only come out in the evening/night. I'm going to try and cut their numbers in half though and get rid of the smaller ones. Would it be worth trading them to a LFS for some sort of credit?
Tetra1990 said:
Ok thanks. Yes they do only come out in the evening/night. I'm going to try and cut their numbers in half though and get rid of the smaller ones. Would it be worth trading them to a LFS for some sort of credit?

No problemo :)

I honestly don't think so because most of the LFS's around my area try to get rid of them. You can definitely try though! Most LFS I've been to consider them pests.
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