Snail ID please!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2005
Spring Hill, FL
What kind of snails are these? I have about 10 of them grazing the LR ... I hardly ever see them on the glass just on the rock! They look like little circus tents!

Snails are circled in black!


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Thanks Fluff!
They are kinda neat, but they are everywhere ... I just added a new piece of LR and also noticed that I have 3 black urchins roaming around at night! I looked them up on and seen the Urchins like to eat coraline as well, but I didn't see these snails on there!

Thanks again,
I have some of those too and they keep getting bigger is this something I am going to have to watch out for or will they stop growing?
I believe they get about 1.5". That's what mine are anyway and I've had them for at least three years.
Most of mine are about 1.5" right now, and I think they are multiplying daily ... I went from maybe 10-15 to over 25 now! I have read that true Limpets are beneficial and that the Keyhole Variety can become a pest.

Check them out on google for the differences!

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