Snail question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2010
South Jersey
I have one green nerite named Gary, he-she has been laying eggs all over my ten gallon like crazy!! I have two other tanks that I wouldn't mind having a couple snails in. If I buy another green nerite will they naturally fertilize the eggs making me a bunch of baby snails!? Or would the breeding be out of control like guppies!? Lol
The breeding would be outta control! But u can use them to feed to ur other fish! Like what I've done. I have a 10 gallon with shrimps! And I feed them to my goldfish once a month!
Cool :) I will have to see what happens I read online that they only breed in brackish water. Thanks!
Yes nerites like to do that. The eggs will not hatch in freshwater though. You can set up a small brackish breeding tank for them if you would like though. They can be tricky to breed, I'm researching it myself currently. I'm about to put some into my brackish tank and see what happens :)
Here's the golden question how do u make a tank brackish and what kind of fish would be ok in a 10 g brackish tank besides the snails? I ask this because I just acquired a 10g from a neighbor who was going to throw it out! Score!!
You need marine salt, the stuff you use to make saltwater (not to be confused with aquarium salt) and a hydrometer to measure the salinity of the water. The salinity level that you want to acheive will depend on exactly what you are adding.

Puffers are the most popular BW fish, but they eat snails so that certainly wouldn't work. Some would say you could do bumble bee gobies or american flag fish, but 10 gals is cutting it close for them. It is hard to fine good BW fish for smaller tanks. Crabs like fiddlers and red claws are a good BW option for 10 gal tanks...they need things slightly modified so they have access to air though.

Heck yeah..I'd love to score a free tank :)

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