snail question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 17, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
My lfs accidently gave me a snail when I purchased some mollies. At the time I didn't realize how quickly they would multiply! I have removed them over the last few weeks and have them in a small tank. My question is would it be proper to release them into our local lake or is that considered a no-no? I haven't found a lfs that is interested in taking them. There must be at least 80 of the little things in my snail tank. I am not interested in keeping them but certainly do not have the heart to euthanize them. I am a huge suck in that regard. I just can't do it. Any advice would surely be appreciated!
Get a betta (becareful with your mollies, they may not get along) or a few ottos and you'll be snail free in a few days. The ottos will be more efficient at snail clean up so I'd reccomend them over the betta if you're looking for total de-snailization.
I think you misunderstand me, I've already removed the snails from the tank, they are in a separate tank. I wanted to know if I could release them into the local lake. I don't really want to get a betta and keep him in the small tank, it is only a 1 gal tank and was given to me but I don't keep any fish in it. It has no room for filtration. It's one of those tanks typically sold as a "betta tank". But if I can't release them, I have a 10 gal tank I use for quarantine and I could put the snails and some ottos in there.
the answer if definitely no. never release aquarium fish in local streams/rivers. i'm not saying snails dont have feelings but i would just throw them in the garbage if you really dont want them since they're so efficient that multiplying. do you know anyone with a cichlid tank? they'd probably gladly take them. if you actually like keeping them, you could always just keep them in the betta tank and the population will stabilize.

Get a betta (becareful with your mollies, they may not get along) or a few ottos and you'll be snail free in a few days. The ottos will be more efficient at snail clean up so I'd reccomend them over the betta if you're looking for total de-snailization.

contrary to what purplesmurf said, otos dont really eat snails; loaches, cichlids, and puffers are the most known for snail removal.
Thanks for the reply. I had my doubts about it or I wouldn't have asked. I will check around and see if I can give them away to a friend. If I had wanted to destroy them, I wouldn't have captured them and put them in the betta tank. Like I said, I am a huge suck. :roll:
well... actually most lakes etc already have pond snails. but you could introduce something aquarium fish have been around and are now immune into a wild ecosystem and destroy the world :lol:

but yeah just saying they probably have pond snails but i dont suggest you put them in.

i think some people keep snails in their tanks for algae control (pond) because if they dont have enough food they wont multiply. and yeah..
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