Snails- what kind?

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Jun 18, 2014
Snails- which kind?

So I'm looking into getting a snail (or snails) for my divided 10gallon. I currently have a male betta on each side, and one side has two small panda garras. The other side is more exposed to light, and I've been battling green hair algae for a few weeks now. I'd like to get a snail to help with this, as well as add some interest to the tank.
My options are-

Mystery Snail
I'm not really sure I want one of these guys, actually. They get golf-ball size, I've heard, and that's just a lot bigger than I was looking for. But they do eat algae.

Nerite Snail
My local Petsmart often has black racer nerites as well as horned nerites. I've read that they like to escape and they lay a lot of eggs all over, though. My tank has a hole for feeding and an opening for the filter, so they'd have plenty of opportunity to make a run of it. I also really don't want to have to deal with all the unfertilized eggs all over my tank, is it really that big of a problem?

Ramshorn Snails
These guys seem awesome, but apparently breed like crazy, and I'd want a few of them because of their size. Will they breed in freshwater? If I just get one, will it help the algae situation?

I've also looked a little at assassin snails, but I don't remember if they eat algae. My LFS might have some snails I'm not familiar with but I'm not sure.

Any tips, experience, recommendations, or suggestions would be welcome.

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Hi, I keep mystery, nerites, tylos, ramshorn, colombian, trumpet and lava snail's.
If it was me I'd probably go with the nerite snails, hard little workers and not much bio load either, one of mine lays eggs but I don't find that a problem.
Ramshorn snail's can be pretty, I have blue, pink and purple, if you don't overfeed they won't be a problem, I keep them in both my tank's and wouldn't do without them. They also eat algae.
Mystery snail's eat a lot and are poop machines, they aren't good for algae control like the nerite.
I have no experience with assassin snail's so I can't help you with them.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
I found an online source called "Aquatic Arts" and mail ordered 3 mystery snails in different colors. They are still quarter size and smaller but they are delightful to watch. They definitely help with algae but for me they are mostly entertainment. My Betta mostly leaves them alone...
Thank you both! Shellyx have your nerites ever tried to escape?

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Mine have wandered before out the tank but I luckily found them, it's not something I'd be over concerned about especially if you only have a couple of gaps in your lid.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon borara merah and brigittae, shrimp and snails
I tried the pink ramshorn but the population exploded and they are hard to get rid of. I prefer the mystery snails.
Ok I have done some research in the area so here is what I know. Personally I have several nerites. They are great at algae eating cleaned my 29 gal right up. But most importantly the can't breed in freshwater they have to be put in salt. Snails reproduce rapidly especially those kinds you listed you could be over run in a matter of months. It gets so bad I've heard of people swearing their gravel moves worst part you don't know the exact number you house because they hide in the substrate. Another snail worth me mentioning is the assassin snail also fast breeder and it eats other snails hence its name. The ramshorn while cute is a master proliferater you'll be over run in no time and mystery snail also. Even if you only buy one they could already be pregnant and some can reproduce with out a partner. If you would like to know more about the kinds or anything else let me know glad to help and good luck with your choice

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I prefer the Mystery snails. It is easy to control the population. Just remove the egg blobs. It looks like someone stuck bubblegum on your tank lid.

But I have a lfs that loves my purple snails! So I trade them for food or whatever I need. So I let the babies grow to about 1/2 in diameter and head to the store to swap.
thefishnut, do your nerites lay eggs all over? Im pretty sure thats what ill be going with. Thanks to everybody else too!
No nerites need to be added to salt water to get them to spawn so they won't reproduce in your freshwater tank that's why I like them:)

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For algae and housing with betas, go nerite. Mysteries are better for eating leftover food, not algae. Think junk food junkie at a buffet. If salad is all that's left, it'll get eaten albeit grudgingly. Nerites are algae eaters.

Mystery snails are easier for fish to bully. They're more exposed when they go to move around. Nerites are little tanks, they don't expose much of themselves. I tried mystery in with a beta (yes, all of them are their own fish. Even so.) and wound up swapping it a couple of hours later for a nerite.

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All right, thank you all! I'll definitely go with nerites then. Thanks again!

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