So my filtration sucks

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 8, 2005
Tampa, FL
I discovered this tonight. I got my new light setup put together tonight for my 55g, a DIY kit of a pair of 55 watt CF tubes. When I turned on my bright lights...the water was full of particles. LOTS of particles. That's not cool.

So...filtration upgrades are in order. I'm considering either an XP3 or a Cascade 1000. Currently have a HOT Magnum & Biowheel 200 on it. Obbiously it's totally inadequate.

Thoughts on those two filters? Any other canister suggestions?
I don't have nor have ever used either of these cannisters. I just bought the fluval FX5 and so far I am very impressed with it. I have heard really good things about Eheim. I have 3 fluvals and an magnum 350. I like them all although the fluval 304 is my least favorite and also the weakest.
The HOT seems nice enough but I think it just might not have the power needed for a 55 gallong tank. I'd consider a Magnum but it seems the design is just a bit dated at this point. It's a really old filter.

I've heard good things about the Eheim too but they're pretty expensive.
Yes the magnum is old, I got mine used. I agree the Eheim is expensive. I'm sure others will post their opinions too. You might also want to check with the local aquarium society, quite often members will be selling their old equipment, and it would certainly be cheaper than new!
I have the Cascade 1000 on my 55 gal tank and love it. It's a simple setup, easy to maintain, and keeps my water crystal clear.
I've heard a lot of praise for the Cascade...and the price is hard to beat. :D I think maybe I'll go that route. I want to set up a small marine tank too...the HOT is probably perfect for a small tank. I'm really impressed with the filter. Probably just overtaxing it's capabilities. :p
If you do go with a Cascade, order ceramic rings also. Do not use the carbon, just use the rings in one of the baskets. Also, extra filter floss can be purchased in bulk from Wal-Mart in the crafts section. Big Al's even sells it in Bulk.
I ran a HOT on a 30 for several months and was VERY pleased with the mechanical filtration. Of course, It was also a lightly stocked tank. I ran the micron cartidge 24/7. Gave the whole setup to a friend in need (he had a 55 spring a leak and couldn't afford a new tank.) My concern would be biological filter capacity, but I guess the biowheel helps in that arena.

I use floss as a polisher in my Fluval and the water is crystal clear.
I actually got the rings from Big Al's and use them in my Magnum. When I change filters I'll just pour them into whatever I go with. :)
I need help. My tank is full of particles and the water seems cloudy. I have a 45 gal tank that was given to me by a friend. I am not sure what brand of filtration I have but it is an undergravel. It dose not seem to be filtering out anything. I lost a few fish last month when I tried to clean it out. Can someone give me advice on what filtration system would be better?
I'd recommend ditching UG altogether. If you don't have live plants you could get a BioWheel 350.
I'd go with a canister filter over anything else. Ditch the ugf. Water parameters? Stocking list? How long has it been setup?
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