some chemical questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 2, 2012
newly set up take and ive done multiple water changes and water is still cloudy? am i being impaticent? should i add some cleaner that gets rid of cloudyness? or do i just keep doin water changes? or do i just let it be? and if i just leave it be should i be running the fillters or just letting the water settel all on its own??? please help!!!!!! :banghead:

also i have a safe start in a bottle to start the nitrogen cycle. is there a declorine in that or will i have to buy that separate? and should i buy amonia? any advice i will take. thanks all
Hello! Dose safe start and run you filter. Go get seachem prime to get rid of tap water and yes I would get ammonia and dose 4 ppm everyday for about a month. If you dont want 2 do this try using seachem stability. Also do u have fish?
brox- u said get some prime. that takes away amonia right? so i do the prime first. then dose it with 4ppm amonia a day. then and the safe start?? then we should be good ?? and how much is 4ppm? 4 drops? or what exactly?
Hi! Prime doesn't take away ammonia, it just detoxifies it but it's still available for the bacteria to consume. It helps detoxify the chemicals in our tap water so it's safe for the fish and bacteria that the tank needs. What kind of ammonia? Is there a % on the bottle? Here's a calculator that will help you determine how much to add (scroll down for the ammonia calculator): Calculator

Products like safe start are hit and miss; they can help in some cases and do nothing in others.

Here are some links if you haven't seen them yet:
Guide to Starting a Freshwater Aquarium - Aquarium Advice
Safestart is meant to be used for fish-in cycling, so if you do use it I'd put a little more faith in it if it's done according to the directions. Even still, I wouldn't completely rely on it since it is hit and miss, as librarygirl mentioned.
Just do ammonia and add prime for tap water do safe start to cant hurt
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