Some help with MTS please?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2006
Wichita, KS
I won't tell my name on the Internet, but I am a victim of Multiple Tank Syndrome. :( Now, actually, that's not a big problem for me. I've been keeping fish for four years and I have tried keeping more difficult and sensitive fish (angels, cardinals, rams, otos) with mixed success(the angels and rams did great, the cardinals did so-so and the otos were dead within a week). I want to try to keep a discus fish in my 75 gallon, but I realize some of the fish in there will have to relocate elsewhere, but I'm not sure where. Currently I have:

5g - 1 betta
10g - 1 convict
20g - 4 swordtails
29g - 2 female guppies, approx half a dozen fry, unknown # of cherry shrimp
55g - 3 buenos aires tetras, upside down cat, Jack Dempsey
75g - 3 black skirts, 6 glo lites, 6 black neons, 6 von rio tetras, 6 cory cats, bn pleco 2 pygmy cories, 1 male dwarf gourami

Is there anyway possible to move some fish out of the 75 gallon to other places and possibly add a discus as the centerpiece fish in the 75? It's the first thing people see when they walk in my house and I want something for them to ooh and ahh about.
Discus are schooling fish, so a group of 4-6 is needed. They like warmer water than most tropicals, so tankmates are kind of limited. They need excellent water quality, so water changes every few days are needed.

You could move the glowlights, black neons, and cories to the 29g, move the pygmy cories and von rios to the 20g. Dwarf gourami could go to the 29g.

Discus are also slow moving fish, so I wouldn't keep them with anything active or nippy (that takes out the black skirts and von rios).

Good tankmates for them are cardinals and rummynose. Plant the tank, if it isn't already, as that helps keep the water very clean.

I'd get a book about Discus before you get any. Do alot of reading so you'll know if you are up for the challenge or not.
I won't tell my name on the Internet, but I am a victim of Multiple Tank Syndrome.

There are no "victims" of MTS, just ordinary folks suffering the ailment for the benefit of their fish.

I agree regarding the Discus...the 75 is a nice sized tank for them. Planting the tank is also a nice idea and you don't have to go high maint either. You can do well with some low-light plants such as Java fern and anubias.

Yes, read up on Discus care. They are a challenging fish to keep. BrianNY has a very nice thread in the General Discussion forum entitled: Discus discussion.
Well many here will tell you I am not the one to help with MTS that's for sure!

I have a 75 gal tank for discus and don't regret them at all. They aren't all that much more difficult once you get into a routine. I do water changes every 3 days on the tank but they fish are so beautiful they are worth it IMO. BrianNY has been a great help to me with my discus btw.
Are they really that high maintenance? As I've said, I've kept angels and rams and both are notoriously sensitive fish. I got by with a weekly 10-15% water change that I always do.
take out the gourami, black skirts, von rios. add a proven pair. more expensive but a lone discus isnt something to ooh and aah about when its hiding in the corner of the tank.

discus are high maintenance comparitively. YES you can get by with 1/week W/C. YES you can get by with less than optimal conditions, but your discus possibly would not grow to their full potential, possibly not ever get acclimated to the rest of the community.

discus are VERY picky about what they eat. it is very hard to get them off of one diet and switch.

what are the BEST conditions for a discus tank?
82-86 temp, barebottom species tank. 50-75% daily w/c.

what are the conditions I keep in my tanks?
84 temp, gravel, plants community tank. 50% daily w/c. bare minimum would be a 50 every 3 days. esp with all your other fish in the 75.

btw. go discus. soon you will be getting rid of all your other fish and going ALL discus and rams. HAR!
Another side effect of MTS is STS (shruken tank syndrome), causing the need for more tanks as current tanks are fully stocked. MTS a vicious circle. :)

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