Some Passengers Came With My Plants...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 19, 2005
Westchester, NY
Hi Everybody... I'm relatively new to planted tanks but I've been doing my research and I just bought my first few plants. I ordered some Hornwort, Java Moss and Anubias Nana Petite, because they all seemed like they'd be the hardest for me to kill (and low light, <1.5wpg). My first question is that upon analyzing the hornwort I found two things: some little mite critters crawling around, and a small snail shell. I'm not so worried about the little bugs, but I'd rather not have an infestation of snails. What can I do to prevent this before I put the hornwort in? Also, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on anchoring the java moss. It's much more loose than I expected and I have a fairly high current in my tank. Thanks guys!
To prevent snail you can take any visible ones out then chekc for any eggs,usually snails are beneficial but if you don't want them you don't have to keep them.Java Moss is supposed to be attched to something(i.e driftwood,rocks)I use green thred to attach it but you can use other things like fishing line,just wrap it around as many times to keep it secure.
Put a teaspoon of table salt in the bag the plants came in (along with the plants of course) and swish it around. This will kill off any snails that may have hitchhiked. Just make sure you rinse off the plants before putting them in your tank.
I wouldn't mind having a few snails in the tank to clean up, but everytime i get a hitchhiker, my clown loach thinks its a tasty little snack. Oh, and somebody said something about securing the java moss with thread, but forgot to mention that give it a few weeks and you will be able to cut the thread off. it will adhear to anything it touches after a bit of time. Just wanted to throw that in to avoid confussion
It really depends on the type of snail you have. Ramshorns are not so much plant eaters but can overrun a tank fairly quickly since they are asexual. Pond snails are just a nuisance period. Malaysian Trumpet snails are beneficial since they will burrow under your substrate and release air pockets while doing their best to clean up leftover food.
Avoid at all cost the huge bolivian ramshorns sold as livestock at some LFS's. They are prodigous plant eaters.
I bought all my plants from so I checked their stock of snails and the closest to what I found is a japanese trapdoor snail, except really small. According to the info I've found they don't seem to propogate as quickly as other snails, and they're live bearing, so I definately don't think I'd mind. I bought a peice of driftwood so I'll try attaching the java moss with thread and see how it works. Thanks guys!
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