Something in my Montipora

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2011
Can anyone help identify this. Like an upside down snail with legs poking out. Often leaves a web like string hanging out. If it senses you near the trap door shuts !!!

It doesn't seem attached and more like its become part of Montipora.


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From what I just read about worms of this type. You may want to get rid of it. Someone said you could break off the tube or superglue them shut.

The web is just to catch food particles but can irritate near by corals and make then close up
I see a vermetid snail, I have them in my tank on my trumpet coral. I would try to remove it from an sps though. They spit out a web to feed which can irritate the polyps and they will probably grow faster than the monti as well.

I just dug through my bookmarks at work by remote accessing my computer there to find this article. Hope this helps.
That's very helpful thanks. Having checked through a few Google photos I can pretty much confirm it is a vermatid snail. Particularly as its growing with the coral and faster than the coral like you say. I've put in my refugium away from the other corals and ill see what difference it makes. I assume the coral glue method is the best way to get rid of and rescue my sps ?
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