Something on my rock (Newbie)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 26, 2005
New Jersey
I ordered some carribean live rock, cured it for a week and 1/2 and placed it in my tank. Durring the curing process, I avoided cleaning off these red things. They seem to be all over my rocks. I dont know if these things are good or bad. They come off with a little pressure. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.



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I would guess some kind of sponge. Probably won't live but there is no reason to pry them off. If they die it'll only help your cycle. If they live you'll have another interesting addition to your biodiversity.
Thanks for your help. Is it common for this type of sponge to spread to other rocks? Because i received 9 rocks and they seem to be on all but one (not as plentiful on other rocks as pic provided). On the other rocks it they seem to be only specks (like on left side of pic or smaller). Once again thanks for the help.
pretty common in a new system to have sponges and other things you don't typically see in mature aquariums because its impossible to care for long term. I would say its possible that they are spreading but I would defer to some one a little more knowledgable.
I went to the fish store today and took a look at the LV and Corals that they have there. I saw something simmilar to what I had growing on my rock. I asked them what it was and they said Coraline Algae. I could be wrong, but i'm only a newbee. Does this look like algae to anybody else? Is it possible for this algae to start forming after only about 2 weeks in the tank?

Any comments/suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I've looked at those pics over and over and can't be sure what it is. It could be coralline though I've never seen it that deep red before. You say it comes off with little effort, when you touch it, does it smear off or flake off? Is the texture firm or slimy?
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