Somethings rotting

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Cleveland, Oh. USA
I think that the suff "Life" that was on the rocks that are now under the sand is rotting. I first noticed a white substance kind of patchy like that resembled wrinkeld paint when using paint stripper, that was on top of my sand. I asked Aaron about it and he said to suck it up, so I did, while sucking it up I also noticed black charcol looking stuff under the sand, and also bubbles coming up. With all that being said, will this go away once bacteria is built up? and should I wait to put a cleanup crew in?
How long has your tank been set up? It sounds to me like you disturbed the anerobic section of your sand bed and released gas. You should try not to disturb the sand bed.

check ammonia i suspect its high. if you have fish in there at this point prepair a large volume water change if ammonia does test high.

What your experencing is die off due to shippment and probably to some extent some of the live being covered by sand.

When you get rock shipped this is unavoidable for the most part. The key is to keep it undercontrol.
there are no fish in the tank, and your right, amonia is way off the chart, which is good cause I won't need any fish to start the cycle. once the cycle compleats I will transfer the two fish and all the snail to the tank, along with the roughly 42 lbs of rock. Then I can tear down the 75 and start my new project, "Fish Central". Thats what I'm calling my new multy tank stand. Think of it as a entertainment center, but with tanks instead of tv and sterio. :peace:
Well if its to high then you risk losing some of the life on the rock thats still there. I would do a large water change when you get water ready.

Sure this will lenghten your cycle time but it will also increase the amount of life on the rock when its all said and done.

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